Johnson’s Baby Bedtime Line

We led the J&J Baby multifunctional team through a journey of inspirational in-home interviews with moms of infants, where we were able to hear first-hand the challenges mom face in the care of their babies and observe the process and routine of bathing their child. The insight for the Johnson’s Baby was hiding in plain sight as we heard over and over that the biggest challenge these moms faced was getting their infant to go to sleep and stay asleep, and thus, getting themselves some much needed sleep.

Next we facilitated an ideation process with the team, designed to focus on the insights and to stimulate the team’s ability to generate creative solutions. The idea came together as one of the R&D team members recalled some clinical research that demonstrated the value of massage and aromatherapy in calming infants and helping them sleep more soundly.

We are all familiar with their main “No More Tears” products, however, this new insight sparked a fresh new platform for incremental sales. Johnson’s Baby brand was able to create an entirely new sub-category that they have owned with little competition for over 10 years.


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